Netflix pc app change download location. How to Alter Down­load Loca­tion for Netflix on Win­dows 10

Netflix pc app change download location. How to Alter Down­load Loca­tion for Netflix on Win­dows 10

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How to Change Netflix Download Location In Windows 10 - TechDaddy. 


Netflix pc app change download location.Change Location


As good as it is, the more shows you download, the more disk space it consumes. This is especially true when you download shows in high quality or 4k resolution. Though the Netflix app is good at showing how much disk space all the downloaded shows are using in your system. It will not tell you the actual Netflix download location. Knowing the Netflix download location is helpful to see all the folders and downloaded content. So, if you ever want, follow the below steps to find the Netflix download location and where it saves all the downloaded offline video content.

Being a Microsoft store application, like any other store app, Netflix stores everything it downloads inside a particular folder within the Windows System drive.

That is, inside your C drive. Steps with a bit more detail:. You can also click the File Explorer icon on the taskbar or Start menu. After opening the File Explorer, paste the below path in the address bar at the top and press Enter. Remember to replace the dummy username with your actual Windows username. This is where Netflix stores all the downloaded files and offline content. You will see many files with numbers as their names and no file extensions in this folder.

Recently I updated this tutorial and will try my best so that you understand this guide. If your answer is yes after reading the article, please share this article with your friends and family to support us. Netflix offers the ability to download TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more on Windows 10 computers to watch online. By default, downloaded titles will be stored on the drive where the application is downloaded and installed, usually the main drive C :.

For some movie lovers, if you download a lot of Netflix videos continuously, you may run out of storage space soon and face some serious computer performance issues such as lag, freezing programs. It represents that it is time to free up space by moving those Netflix downloads to another drive or external hard drive. Since you cannot change the video download location for your Netflix movies and TV series offline with a simple method, a perfect solution is to move it to another drive.

Check out the two options below to find out how you can do it. Follow these steps:. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support. Easy, well-researched, and trustworthy instructions for everything you want to…. James Hogan November 16, Editors Best Choice.

